How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

There are two types of cat slaves in the world, one is the ordinary cat slave, destined to be a pooper scooper for life; the other is the great god cat slave, who is not willing to be a pooper scooper, and trains cats to become a spirit, and the great god’s cats will gracefully use the flushing toilet!

Cat Potty Training for the Average Cat Slave

A normal cat slave’s cat will use the litter box to go to the toilet and that’s good enough.

Then there are the disobedient ones who won’t poop in the litter box

I’ll give you some tips.

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

Cats are accustomed to finding soft places to potty and most kittens instinctively use the potty by 4-6 weeks, those that are delayed will need help. Therefore, after the kitten has eaten, gently rub its anus with a piece of towel, cotton paper or a soft cloth, it is likely that it will urinate into the dish, then quickly put it into the dish and gently move its front paws in the potty, it will use the potty very quickly.

If the cat doesn’t like to use the potty, you need to do something about it!

(1) The cat is confined in a cat pen with a litter box, which is padded only with soft material. The so-called confinement means forcing the cat to empty its feces into the potty. This method is sufficient to correct even the most stubborn cats.

(2) Ensure that it is cleaned and disinfected wherever it is large or small to remove residual odors, which cats often return to. There are several cleaning agents that can help eliminate odors.

(3) Put the cat food dish in the cleaned area and the cat will not defecate there again.

If the problem persists after trying the above three tricks, then the cat’s father is at his wit’s end, so please have your veterinarian do a checkup, which is likely to be the result of a medical problem. This outcome affects the cat’s behavior or ability to use the potty.

As a god, of course, you can’t be willing to be a pooper scooper.

So this is how God’s cat goes to the bathroom ↓↓↓↓

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

Here’s more about it

The Greatest Cat Slave Toilet Training Method

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

1. Have a designated toilet for your cat.If you only have one toilet in your house give it up, unless you like the feeling of sharing a toilet with your cat ……

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

2. Place the litter box next to the toilet you have trained.This step is to familiarize the cat with the poop location and avoid accidentally using the owner’s special toilet ……

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

3、After a few days of familiarizing yourself with the poop location, put the litter box fixed to the toilet.

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial
How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

4. Then switch to a cat-specific toilet seat with a hole in the center to help him familiarize himself with toilet construction.

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial
How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial
How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

Toilet seat for cats object picture

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

5. When the cat can master the method of toileting with the cat toilet seat, the owner can consider removing the cat toilet seat.

Up to this point, congratulations on successfully training your cat to use the toilet!

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

Warm reminder: always make sure that the toilet lid is open and the toilet ring is in the down position.

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

If you forget to put the toilet seat down, don’t blame your cat for pooping outside again!

Ordinary cat slaves have seen the great cat training methods of the great god cat slaves are not eager to try!

How about wishing your own cat could use the toilet too?

It’s so nice to think about it, saying goodbye to the pooper scooper’s hat!

Okay, okay, okay, here’s an easy tutorial on grilled fish in only three steps

I hope you realize the true meaning of it.

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

Preparation items: tinfoil box.

You can buy it very conveniently in the supermarket or on a certain treasure Oh!

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

An easy three-step tutorial

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

1, the tinfoil box is fixed between the toilet and the toilet ring, and put cat litter in the tinfoil box

If you buy a tinfoil box that’s big enough and tall enough, you can just put it directly into the toilet. Otherwise, you will need to use tape paper to secure the perimeter.

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

2, let your cat get used to pooping in a tinfoil box

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

3、Take off the tinfoil box, success~!

Finally, if you still think your cat will flush the toilet on its own, then I just want to say, “Please don’t go so far, okay~?”

P.S. If your cat can’t get used to the height of the toilet bowl

So here’s another transition tutorial for you

(Isn’t that sweet?)

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

Before you get down to the business of toilet training your cat.

Grilled Fish Must Friendly Reminder

Ideal is very beautiful, now the reality is very cruel ……

Chances are your expectations will turn out like this ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

Or this ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

And possibly this ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

Or this ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

Eventually, you’ll crash …… Like this.

How to Train Your Cat to Poop on the Toilet? Easy three-step tutorial

The last of the last.

Pen Pen just want to say NO ZUO NO DIE ……

I wish you all the best.

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  • ChatMate's avatar
    ChatMate 06/26/2024 pm11:24

    This is a pretty funny article on teaching cats to poop on the toilet, haha! It’s quite practical to read some tips!