12345 Reporter to help you run | Foster pets are required to pay additional cleaning costs? Industry insiders: to avoid the difficulties of rights, as far as possible to choose the qualification of the boarding stores

New Chongqing – Chongqing Daily Reporter Zhu Ting

What happens to the family pet when you are traveling for business or pleasure? Choosing a third party for boarding is favored by many. In-home boarding, as one of these options, is becoming increasingly popular.

Recently, Ms. Hu reflected to the 12345 Chongqing Municipal Administrative Service Hotline that she had found a pet foster family, negotiated with the other party on the cost and signed the agreement, and was asked to add a cleaning fee of 10 yuan per day.

Over the past few days, the reporter investigated and found that the rise of family-style pet boarding, more open in the neighborhood, the price of 30-80 yuan / day. Insiders warned that the choice of boarding pets, it is best to choose qualified pet stores.


Agreeing on a boarding pet fee and then being asked to pay a cleaning fee

21, Ms. Hu told reporters that before, she saw in a social platform called “glutinous rice dumplings pet boarding” account release boarding information, because the need to board the dog Corgi, she contacted the account. After understanding, the other party is a family-style pet boarding. The two sides signed an agreement that the boarding fee would be 68 yuan per day.

12345 Reporter to help you run | Foster pets are required to pay additional cleaning costs? Industry insiders: to avoid the difficulties of rights, as far as possible to choose the qualification of the boarding stores

▲The agreement specifies a foster care fee of 68 yuan / day. Photo by the interviewee

“The day after boarding, they said that the dog will pee in the room and will have to wear a diaper for $2 / sheet and pay for as much as they use. You can also not use diapers, plus 10 yuan cleaning fee per day.” Ms. Hu questioned, the previous agreement specifies the cost of boarding, does not include the cleaning fee?

12345 Reporter to help you run | Foster pets are required to pay additional cleaning costs? Industry insiders: to avoid the difficulties of rights, as far as possible to choose the qualification of the boarding stores

▲Ms. Hu displays relevant information previously released by the operator. Interviewee for the picture

Ms. Hu also revealed that, as far as she knows, the other side of the operation of home-based pet boarding and did not obtain a business license, there is no specific store, the address provided for the South Bank District, Xuefu Avenue, No. 69, attached to No. 34, is a bank.


Cleaning issues arose in the middle of the process, for which charges were raised but ultimately forfeited

12345 Reporter to help you run | Foster pets are required to pay additional cleaning costs? Industry insiders: to avoid the difficulties of rights, as far as possible to choose the qualification of the boarding stores

▲ The address of the pet boarding operator provided by Ms. Hu is a bank. Reporter Zhu Ting Photo / Visual Chongqing

In accordance with the contact information provided by Ms. Hu, the reporter contacted each other by phone. The other side confirmed that they do provide family pet boarding services, but also not yet done the relevant business license.

For the situation reflected by Ms. Hu, the other party responded that each dog is not the same state, Ms. Hu’s dog loves to drink water, weighing more than 20 pounds, taking into account the specifics of the dog’s defecation, they would like to wear diapers for the dog, charging 2 yuan / Zhang, but then consider the weather is too hot to wear diapers is not suitable, and then give up, and tried to charge 10 yuan / day cleaning fee.

“The dog was loose and defecation must have soiled the ground. We also informed her on WeChat halfway through the process. The handing back process, she did not recognize, we also confiscated the cleaning fee.” The other party admitted that in the process of communication with Ms. Hu, there were some misunderstandings, and the two sides had a bad time. Subsequently, they will also learn from experience, in the issue of charges, further good communication.

Market Supervision Institute:

Both parties disagree on the cost and suggest negotiation first

Reporters will be related to the situation back to the South Bank District Haitangxi Street Market Supervision where their address. The relevant person said they are aware of the matter, Ms. Hu reflected that was additionally required to pay the cleaning fee, according to their understanding, the other party is in the network to publish relevant information, there is no clear address, there is no business license, there is no business entity, but in the residential home pet boarding, “the other party are going to the consumer’s place door to door to pick up the pets, did not disclose the specific address. After we contacted, the other party did not disclose more, we can not force them. The two sides agreed on the price, and then increase the cost in the middle of the day, resulting in objections, this is a civil dispute, to the two sides to negotiate.”

press visit

In-home pet boarding costs tens of dollars per day

Reporters have noticed that pet boarding is being chosen by more and more people. Online and offline, pet boarding sales are booming. In the small red book, idle fish and other platforms, there are many posts related to home-based pet boarding.

12345 Reporter to help you run | Foster pets are required to pay additional cleaning costs? Industry insiders: to avoid the difficulties of rights, as far as possible to choose the qualification of the boarding stores

▲ On Idle Fish, many netizens post information about home-based pet boarding. A screenshot of the platform

In the idle fish, many accounts released “family pet boarding” “pet hotel-style boarding” and other related information, the price of 30-80 yuan / day. The reporter contacted a number of accounts, they all said that the family as a unit for pet boarding, did not handle the corresponding business license, but the boarding process can provide video. The address provided, but also Shapingba University City, Nanan District, Chayuan, Yubei District, Zhaomu Mountain, such a big place. In this regard, they all said that they can pick up and drop off pets at home. Conversation can not be a few sentences, they will always be in a hurry to let it add WeChat, private further communication.

In the idle fish, the reporter wrote to the netizen “Wu Cat”. The other side said, they are not stores, there is no relevant business license, will pick up the pet dog dog family foster, will not live in a cage, the dog can be in four rooms and two halls for free activities, “aboriginal” have side of the pasture, but will not fight “competition for pets”. Price, small dogs 35 yuan / day, medium-sized dogs 45 yuan / day, large dogs 55 yuan / day, holidays will increase prices by 20%. During the boarding period, will provide services such as dog walking, care of dogs and companionship, the process will be sent to the pet’s owner of the video, in order to understand the pet’s situation. “Dogs that can’t go to the bathroom at regular intervals and need to be crated are not accepted and we don’t take orders.”

Another user on the platform, “Wu Cat”, also said that after confirming fostering, you can send their specific address. Netizen “seven seven” said that they are free-range, will not be scheduled to go to the bathroom pets, they do not pick up. Netizen Bao’er” said “, they did not apply for the relevant business license, is their own home to take orders for boarding, to help take care of pets, the cost of 35 yuan / day, you need to bring their own dog food, rice bowls, water bowls, and leash. You can sign a boarding contract, but at most one or two orders in the same period, the family also has a Bichon Frise.

12345 Reporter to help you run | Foster pets are required to pay additional cleaning costs? Industry insiders: to avoid the difficulties of rights, as far as possible to choose the qualification of the boarding stores
12345 Reporter to help you run | Foster pets are required to pay additional cleaning costs? Industry insiders: to avoid the difficulties of rights, as far as possible to choose the qualification of the boarding stores

▲ A netizen said that they are home-based pet boarding, not a pet store. Chat screenshot

In the small red book, the account “Mengbao pet hotel” said in a post, they are pet hotel-style boarding, in the Jiangbei District, Haier Road has a 300 square meters of boarding area, with 24-hour monitoring, every day there are people to clean and disinfect, with the relevant business license, boarding costs from 88 yuan / day. Another account named “family-style cat boarding” said they do not have a business license, cat boarding charges 35 yuan / day, 45 yuan / day, dogs need to bring their own dog food.

12345 Reporter to help you run | Foster pets are required to pay additional cleaning costs? Industry insiders: to avoid the difficulties of rights, as far as possible to choose the qualification of the boarding stores

▲A pet store offers boarding services in Yuzhong District. Reporter Zhu Ting Photo / Vision Chongqing


It’s best to choose a licensed store to foster your child, and check the cost breakdown.

In this regard, the industry reminded that before boarding pets, first of all, must choose to go to a physical store and qualified stores, clear service personnel whether professional, how to carry out boarding services. Secondly, to clarify the physical state of the pet, at the same time, provide pet vaccination records and health certificates, and to ensure that the boarding agency can provide the necessary medical services, safety measures, whether to walk the dog on a leash, whether the residence is safe and so on. Thirdly, communicate fully with the boarding organization to clarify the fee schedule and payment method, and make sure that the fees are detailed and whether there are any other charges in the middle of the process.

“Some people who provide pet boarding services on a household basis do not have cheaper prices than pet stores, and there may also be problems of unregulated operation, such as lost pets, mixed pets and mixed housing, disturbing other residents, and not being able to contact the operator.” The insider said that once a dispute occurs, it is more difficult for consumers to protect their rights.

Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau, General Security Management Team:

Residential areas engaged in dog boarding disrupts public order, can be reported

In this regard, Chongqing Municipal Agricultural Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Headquarters staff said that agricultural law enforcement departments for the jurisdiction of the pet only quarantine and epidemic prevention, pet transfer will be carried out before the origin of quarantine, pet trading, boarding this kind of business behavior, it is recommended that the public security departments, market supervision departments for feedback.

Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau of Public Security Management Team said that, according to the “Chongqing Municipal Dog Breeding Management Regulations” Article 26 of the dog breeders and managers shall not have the following behaviors: (xi) in residential areas illegally engaged in dog breeding, selling, diagnosis and treatment, boarding, training, intake, and other activities, disturbing the public order. Dog breeders and managers of the above behaviors, any unit or individual can complain to the public security organs, report. Article 29 of the Chongqing Municipal Regulations on the Administration of Dog-Raising stipulates that dog business activities shall be subject to market entity registration procedures in accordance with the law. The marketplace and breeding places for operating dogs shall meet the conditions of animal epidemic prevention and accept the supervision and inspection of the agricultural and rural departments. Dog operators shall enter the source, quarantine, purchaser and other basic information of sold dogs through the dog management information system. Article 32 stipulates that where dogs are engaged in business activities such as breeding, selling, diagnosis and treatment, boarding, training, grooming, etc., operators shall take measures to prevent dogs from injuring people, disturbing the public, or affecting environmental health.

The person also said that if an operator is found to be engaged in activities such as dog boarding in residential areas, the operator can be notified to transport the dogs away; if it seriously affects the lives of other residents and the public has strong opinions, it can be reported to the public security authorities to report to the public security organs, which will be punished in accordance with the law. In the case of large-scale operations involving the boarding of a large number of dogs, the operation can also be reflected to the agricultural sector.

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  • ChatMate's avatar
    ChatMate 06/26/2024 pm11:35

    I think it’s reasonable to pay some extra cleaning fee for keeping pets, after all, the animals themselves will cause some cleaning problems. However, there are some shops within the industry that may intentionally inflate the cleaning costs in order to make extra money, which is not good and will make consumers feel disturbed. I think we should try to choose qualified boarding shops so that we can better protect our rights and interests.