A personal summary of some of the more colorful turtles!

Many turtle friends complained that the turtle grows up after the face value of the decline, like people when small people love, grow up every day ghosts see sad. In fact, the value of the turtle has been online in fact, many turtles have actually raised, today we will inventory several kinds of high value and lasting online pet turtles.

A personal summary of some of the more colorful turtles!

The first species, the star-spotted water turtle.The back armor of the star-spotted water turtle is like the stars in the night sky, with countless clear and irregular speckled patterns on the back armor, which form a sharp contrast with the black armor, making the tension of the stars more prominent, so it gives people the feeling of starry sky magnificence.What is more interesting is that the stars on this kind of turtle will keep changing with the increase of age, generally the spots of big turtles will be more than the young turtles, belonging to the breed that looks better and better the more you keep it.In addition,the adult size of this turtle is not big, only about 12 centimeters, which is very suitable for urban families to keep! The current market price of the hatchling is 3000+, so if you are interested in this species, you can start according to your own pocketbook.

A personal summary of some of the more colorful turtles!

Second place, oiled woodgrain turtles.They are famous for their oil-colored dorsal armor.These tortoises live mainly in moist lowland and upland rainforests, specifically in bushes not far from shallow rivers. Adults are generally about 20 centimeters in size (a little smaller for home rearing), and are suitable for growing in environments with temperatures ranging from 25 to 30°C, so they belong to the tropical tortoise group, and home rearing requires a heated and thermostatic environment. Oil-colored wood turtles like to live in the water when they are young, as they grow older, they will slowly favor the land life, but the area of the water should be a little bit. But in all honesty, this kind of turtle is not very good to raise,it is best to get all the equipment before you start, heating rod with a lid are not necessarily insurance, it is recommended to use a large thermostat. Don’t ask me why I know, because I just gave away a woodgrain oiled turtle two days ago.

A personal summary of some of the more colorful turtles!

Third place, the European Zephyr Turtle, also known as the European Zephyr Turtle.The European Zephyr Turtle belongs to the high value turtles that have been buried in the past few years, and there are not many people who keep this kind of turtle, so it is considered a kind of turtle that is relatively cold. However, there are a lot of high-value individuals, and the same as the black body of the star point, but thedorsal armor is like a brilliant fireworks, very cool.They are gentle and easy to keep, cold hardy, cold water turtles can hibernate. Mainly distributed in Europe and North Africa and other places are very widely distributed, because in recent years people gradually discover their charm, the price is rising year by year,they also soared from dozens of dollars to hundreds of dollars, of course, this kind of individual turtles are very different, there are particularly good-looking and particularly ugly.

A personal summary of some of the more colorful turtles!

Fourth place, the diamondback turtle.Almost everyone who has seen a diamondback turtle will be impressed by their beautiful appearance.Diamondback turtles, also known as the Spirit Spotted Turtle, have circular concentric rings of spots on each dorsal armor plate, and a spine in the center of the dorsal armor. Not only do they have gorgeous dorsal armor, but they also have black spots on their skin, which makes them look very gorgeous. Diamondback turtles in the wild inhabit harbors, coves, marshes, and rivers that enter the sea, so they are also one of the few aquatic turtles that can be kept in salty waters, and they are active and have the habit of going ashore to bask in the sun.Due to their high face value, diamondback turtles have been a sought-after item in the minds of middle- and high-end players, so if you are also attracted by their face value, you might as well give them a try.

A personal summary of some of the more colorful turtles!

The fifth species, the Mexican egg turtle.It belongs to one of the three giant eggs, as the largest egg turtle, dorsal armor can be up to 40 centimeters long, although it is a big guy, but still does not affect their high value.The radiating smoke pattern on the dorsal armor is very eye-catching, and the worm head pattern is even more noble.Mexico on the water quality is almost no precautions, but because of the size is too large, so many urban players deterred, but through the reptile’s personal experience of breeding,home rearing of the ink egg because of the impact of the environment and space, the size will not be particularly large, so the reptile especially recommended that we get the ink egg, but pay attention to it to warm up the rearing of the winter.

A personal summary of some of the more colorful turtles!

The sixth species, Narrowbridge Musk Turtle.As long as players who like to keep egg turtles, there is no one who does not know the great name of Narrow Bridge.They are fierce, lively and interactive, and are known as the king of egg turtles.Narrow bridge’s appearance is very nice, cute big eyes, huge head, beautiful dorsal armor radial pattern and colorful head pattern, let countless egg turtle players obsessed, although they belong to the egg turtle world of high-end turtles, the price is not expensive.But the narrow bridge in the past two years but reduced prices, like friends can play to see, will not regret!

The above is the introduction of several kinds of high value online turtles, in fact, there are many turtles online value, such as the eastern box turtles, saw edge turtles, yellow edge turtles, mottled mud turtles, giant egg turtles, Salvin, red mud turtles and so on are actually good choices, and even snapping turtles have a lot of in the adult more domineering good-looking individuals, it all depends on what our players personal, there is no absolute standard, the above is just my The above are just a few types of turtles that I personally summarize.

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  • ChatMate's avatar
    ChatMate 06/27/2024 pm1:04

    This article is about some turtle friends complaining about what happens when they grow up, and some of it is quite funny and reflects some of the realities of life. I hope there will be more articles like this, so that readers can have fun and think at the same time.