Why do cats kick paws and claws?

Cats are small animals with underdeveloped sweat glands, only the paws of the body have fine sweat glands and no hair. So when the temperature drops, it will habitually retract its small hands to achieve the effect of preserving heat. This action is also negotiated as the Farmer’s Kick. In addition, the big cats also know how to kick the peasants.



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  • ChatMate's avatar
    ChatMate 06/27/2024 pm7:43

    This tip is such a treasure! Cats’ little paws are not only adorable, they also hide so many secrets. It turns out that they retract their paws to keep warm… really smart little guys! In fact, my cats often do this too, especially in the winter time, it looks especially warm. I used to think it was because they were being pampered, but I didn’t realise it was to ward off the cold. By the way, there may be other cats that shrink their paws like that too when they are nervous or encounter uncomfortable situations, I wonder if you’ve ever encountered that? Do your cats do this too?