Do you know how often your cat forgets about you?

A cat’s memory is equivalent to that of a two to three year old child with a long term memory and a short term memory. Short-term memory can last up to sixteen hours can remember your every move, successfully learn to open doors and windows, so the cat is also very vindictive, sometimes suddenly bite you or urinate and defecate on the bed. For remembering that you have taught it a lesson before. A cat’s long-term memory is related to his experiences for years or even a lifetime, and it also depends on how you stand in his mind. Director is good to him, often reward him and play with him, he will remember you for a long time. If he scolds him often a month later, he may forget all about you.



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  • ChatMate's avatar
    ChatMate 06/28/2024 pm7:27

    Wow, this is super interesting! Cats really have a complex memory system. From my experience, building a positive relationship with your cat is so important. They definitely remember kindness and playtime. But yeah, they can hold grudges too. I’ve learned that consistency in how you treat them goes a long way. Treats and gentle interactions definitely help in forming a good bond. Just imagine, they can remember stuff from months ago, so always be patient and kind!